EiRa BiO

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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Eira n FrostBite

hye hye

I'm home!
cuti study week
and then got family matters skit
so, balik lak
plan nk balik dua tiga hari je
tp, since ad hal..
lma la skit lepak kt umah

knp tajuk cmtue..?

me n my crush lah..

ak ad mnx ramai nasihat
since ak bt novel english,
novel english ssh nk publish kt msia..
samada nk publish sndiri..jual sndiri
or ceburi dlm bidang Malay punya..
popular or stabil dahulu..
bru la cri modal utk terbitkan y english tu
cm interesting
editor ak p0wn sruh ak try Malay..
tu p0wn sbb dy taw gaya penulisan  ak

jd, ak sbnarnya dh lama bli satu buku Frostbite and sequence ke dua
bknnya ambk idea dr ctu.. but
the books, is really..

jd, ak dpt la smngt dr ctu
I am already starting to write Malay book
not novel
something else
it might be interesting
it might be not
but, I'll try...

suggesting for the book, title
Pensil: Nostalgia

sbb ad editor cntct ak n berminat
dy y offer sruh ak try bt something in Malay
insyaAllah dlm masa terdekat ak siapkan
tp, i'm in roadtofinal ni
pndai2 la ak bahagikan masa..
tgh cuti kt umah ni, mybe bley tulis

doakan y terbaik

Faded Eira

hye gaiss.. 
i just learned that words another meaning yesterday.. 
people say Im good in English but, I think Im still lack of vocab. 
anyway, lets proceed to todays topic that i would like to share with everyone

have you ever dreamed of havin something that u cant own easily? 
i did. 
and its a camera
DSLR camera
ak xtaw la sjak bler ak start interested nk bli dslr ni.. dlu mnat bese je.. gna digital camera pown dh kira okay.. 
but, then.. my dream got bigger.. 

i loves taking photos as everyone loves them. it made me happy as seeing them smile adoring my photos. it was awesome. that feeling
never forget it

tapi, bkn sng nk dptkan your own dslr.. 
its not cheap
mahal sgt
depend on quality and brand
at first ak mnat Nikon but then, Canon
well, mmula canon, tp beralih ke nikon.. then Canon balik.. lol
Canon bjaya tawan hati ak balik.. bguih nya.. 

seeing anyone y ad dslr..makes me jealous.. i did
cmner korng bley beli? 
mahal kowt

abah taw ak mnat dslr.. but , he was hasistating to get one for me.. 
sbb mahal
and cm xde function blikan utk ak sbb xde kaitan dgn kos y ak ambk kt U

he did said, i can ask anything from him in September
ak berniat nk try mnx dslr..
until one day, he said
'3.5 ke atas tros abah blikan'
sentap ak.. hurmm

yes. i cried
xde kyakinan nk dptkan pointer tu..
ak sedar , study ni bknnya makin sng
makin susah
ak xde kyakinan nk dpt dekan..

abah berniat nk blikan ak hp
sbb , dy nk sama tarafkan ak n my sis..
sbb mmula along tkar hp..
tu hp prtama y bt0l2 blikan utk along
then, my mom tkar hp sbb hp dy rosak..
then abah lak..
straight lak hp diorng rosak..
berjnji agknya hp2 tu.. lol
 ak pnya hp dh lma rosak, sblom bli hp umie, slpas bli hp utk along
tp, masa tu, xde bajet n ak p0wn xde mnx tkar..
abah bg hp lama dy..
tu p0wn y dpt pcuma.. ehhe

ttba abah sebut nk blikan satu..
ak xkisah..
dy y malu..
sbb kwn2 dy slalu sebut2..
kwn dy slalu order hp dgn abah,  utk ank dy
mahal2 lak tu
bler kwn abah tnya,
'anak ko pkai hp apa?'
abah ckp,
'hp murah ja..RM100 tu p0wn dpt pcuma..'
kwn dy ckp,
'uishh.. bgusnya ank ko..xminta2 eh?'
abah diam je

aku xkisah
aku lg prefer dslr..
tp, hurmm
org offer betis, nk paha..
so, ak trime la

tp ak minat photograhy
xdpt dipertikaikan
kdg2 nk pnjam dslr kwn tu.. smpai dy kne kelentong mcm2
nk gna la itu ini..
ak jd segan
slalu nk pnjm xdpt..pdahal dh gtaw awal2
nmpk x permainan nya dsitu
sakit hati
kecil hati


smpai ak terlintas dlm hati,
ak nk give up photoraphy
ak nk stop
slagi ak xdpt y sndiri punya, ak xkn terlibat lngsung dlm photography
tu apa y ak ckp
ak niat

tp, xsmpai sehari,
ak dh terckp kt kwn ak..
dy tnya,
'eir, nk p mna?'
ak ckp,
'mna lg..p shoot la'
padahal ak nk g lepak2 ambk angin ja..
eira eira

ak nangis..

ak cntct hudal..
ak gtaw dy
hudal sruh tabah
dy kata, xde dslr xsmestinya ak kne give up

bt0l tu

cuma agk sakit hati
terkilan je

aku dh faded
bukan fed up

selalu iklan kt tv sal kmera
lau ad photo show-off
abah mesti pggil
'adik, ni photo-face-off ni'
dy jgak y galakkan ak..
dy taw ak mnat

tp tiap kali iklan dslr kt tv..or mna2..
ak tgk.. ak pndang
abah p0wn snyap
awkward dctu

anyway, final dh dkat
ak nk focus final
ad rezeki..
ada la
ad jodoh,
dpt jgak dslr tu..
ak xperlu merintis..

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Eira with travelling buddies

hye gaiss!
ni, cik eir nk ckp y cik eir skrang berada di rumah !!
balik kejap..
release sgala anak branak stress.. hee
i go back alone..
on the day before coming back ..to hometown, ak lepak jap
dgn bbdk JejakJepun
im the only girl.. huhu..well, its only 4 of us thou..

kami2 jmpa kt uptown campus
lepak2..sorang2 dtg.. im the first to arrived wpun ak ingt ak lmbat
then, Aki dtg..
lepak dgn dy jap.. got everyone eyes on us..
cm bese la..persepsi.. lau laki pompuan dk berdua , mcm2 la org akn pk..
bese la tu..

so, back to the topic...
tgh2 borak dgn aki tu.. ak ckp la..
niat ak utk p ke sana balik..one day
he was like..
then he said, 
'klau korang nk backpacking lg, ke sna ke..jgn lupa ajak ak wey'
ak - mesti weyy...mesti..ajk punya
him - wuisyh.. lau kita backpacking skali..dgn ko p0wn skali..ak nak..
terdiam ak..
did he realized what he just said?
then he add
'sronok doe, dgn korang..dgn ko skali ad'

ak gelak je mampu..masa tu
seyes ly tergamam
first tyme org ckp cmtue kt ak..
ak mmg rmai kwn..
but, first tyme org ckp mcm tu kt ak..
sronok lau ad dgn ak..
haaa..cm tue..

then, anwaar n afiq dtg..
flashback memories
diorang share criter diorang
apa y jd kt diorang masa kt sna
mcm2 sbenarnya
ak dpt knal diorang dgn lbih lg..
its fun

the best thing that happened msa lepak tu,
photos from Aki's camera been revealed !!
byk jgak gmbr ak dlm his cmera rupenya.. hahaah

also, the best thing that ever happened when at Japan was
hanging out with them
knowing them
meeting them
befriend them

its fun..
those journeys that we all made together
being friend
from strangers, to friends
then go on travelling the world together again
bonding session got more and more improved..

i have to go to sleep now..
gotta go back to campus tmorrow morning.. 
urgh lazy !!

Friday, July 29, 2016


Salam, hye guys
Ak always bg salam kan
sbb Islam

anyway, here i would like to make a declaration
about what? 
there seems like people reading my blog much more recently than before
without knowing it, they needs something thats arent good

so, anyway
for those y ada grudge or dendam or xpuas hati at me
u should say it aloud , face to face
if there's any

knp ak declare kt cni?
well sbb xde bukti ad org xsuka ak, dan xtaw saper.. 
who knows they might be reading this

sedangkan Rasulullah sebaik manusia ada org benci.. 
mcm Baginda gk, bler dpt taw ad org bnci ni, xsenang dduk.. tkot org tu lak berdosa sbb kiter
ke acaner

di sni, 
I wanna say, im sorry 
nk minta maaf la..
kt brg siapa sahaja org tersebut
kite manusia xde y sempurna
tp, at least, learn how to ..

I did
kwn2 y dlu ak pnah slh fhm etc, skrang tgur mcm biase.. klau jmpa.. lau x, xtgur la..lol

nk mention nma, xyh la.. i respect my friends' privacy

yes, dlu mmg ak sllu luahkn smer kt blog n medias.. now.. not anymore
people change
and I
targetting to change to be better
thats all
lau ad silap salah, mohon la jmpa dpn2 eh

xperlu kowt ckp sy y criter heboh kat org sal korunk sdgkan korunk pown bt bnde y sama
i apologized

anyway, im still a student and i wish to have a vrry happy peaceful students life
i wish urs too

note for all
and myself

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Eira finally got Haru !!

guysss!! Hye...
lama x update blog..

ak bz gk sjak dua mnjak ni
manage online bler klas kt lab or kt libr je
im freezing
typing p0wn slow since tgn sejuk gler..
skrang tgh tgu lecturer ms0k..
lg 5 minit k0wt..

nampak x tajuk tu..
blush blushh...

bkn apa, hari tu ak bz sgt design logo utk assngmnt..
kdai sendiri, kami2..
so, ak in charge kne bt logo.. ntah la ..nnt la ak tnjuk..sbb xsiap lg

bz ssgt dek asgmnt.. ko ghase..
svt bt comeback lg..acaner nk menduload ni.. byk ni.. sobss..

ckp sal Haru
yup, ak dpt Haru !!!

what is it?? 
ni haa..


comel kan.. 
ni la haru..
mmula nk kasi Aoi.. in Japan means blue..
tp, bunyi lain mcm bler org lain y sebut..kekeke
so, tkarla..Haru, spring in Japan.
lg comel..

saper kasi??
dlu, kwn ak ad tnjuk y senior dy y jual ..bt bisnes ni..
bebear ni.. ak p0wn usha la..sbb hrga cam okay.. hee..kaler p0wn rare n lawa je..
ak usha..cm bekenan..dy siap bt delivery + card 
cm romantik je

ak p0wn dgn scara x malu nya, mnx kt org2 sekeliling ak
akak ak
my kwn2
smer xnk kasi..puiii..xpela..ak bknnya serious nk diorng bg..
mesti diorang nk bg p0wn ssh since ak kwn bkn makwe..
bkn someone special..
kwn ak la power 'baik ak bli kt diri sndiri doe'

ak p0wn kt webpage, StarHeart..webpage kami2 je..
bt entry skit..
xtaw lak y 'diorang' akn tgk post tu..
nsib lak ak bt in English, fhm la..
lau ak bt in Malay.. mmg x la nk fhm.. kan..

so, they contacted a friend of mine.. 
sruh kwn ak tu handle..
order, pos kt ak..
prank? ha ah..kne prank dek diorang..
seyesly kuajar..

nurul gtaw ak, ad org hntr postage kt dy..
dy mnx tlg ak p ambk sbb dy kata,
dy tulis alamat, details ak as pnerima..

katanya, dy malu nk p hambik sbb bnde tu bsar..
so, tpaksa ak p hambik dgn syarat2 y ak tentukan.. heee..

p ambk dgn ecah, besar doe.. packaging..tebalkan muka je
balik bilik, ak buka as nurul bg ak geledah..
ak n ecah dh dpt agk bbear sbb kaler n blu dy..
kaler y ak nak.. ngamuk la ak.. nurul ni.
nk bli bbear pown, jgnla sama y ak nk!

dlm proses ecah bukakan, jatuhla satu keping kad ucapan, ak grabbed the card..
and baca dlm hati smbil ecah geledah bbear..
tergamam ak bler bca kad tu

ak tjuk kt ecah, dy y first jerit..

 sampai la rmai tnya saper bg.. i canot say la u.. kekekeke..

this is the real HARU.. hee
kaler biru tu
introducing u to him..
comel kan .. lol

thanks korang y terlibat prank ak
thanks y bg

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Eira is Eira

hye guys
its me again
wuhuuu !!

okay, I'm being the traveller me again..
I did mentioned that I went to Japan few months ago, right?
Haven't told about the trip yet, maybe next time..
I'll you guys everything about the JejakJepunEira trip
in another entry, kay..?

this entry, I'm being me again !!
I went to KL, Serdang..to Farah's hometown
well, it supposed to be 4 of us, Farah and her roommates,
me and mine

but, it turned out to be only me and Farah.. well, I promised. can;t break it..
On the day, i got no class so for the whole day, I slept. 
waited for Farah to contact me, and that evening, we went to the bus station at 3.45pm
we got 4pm bus.

it was very tiring and I plugged in my earphone ignoring farah in the bus, she was fast asleep..
we woke up, 1 hours before iftar..
i ate the bread farah got me..

we arrived at bout 8pm ..and went to seperate ways from Ayu and her friends..
we both went to the mines and hangout there.. we went to karaoke..
and we had our mcD.. I ate the most filled McFlurry Oreo ever !
it was defnitely awesome..that ice cream..

anyway, went back to her home with Shidah's driving
did our prayers...
woke up at 5
get to know her family
did our prayer..

woke up at 10..
depart to PWTC, via Axia
it was very crowded
shidah drove like a crazy person
it was my first time to PWTC act..
went strolling in the PWTC mall beside it..
it was..not bad, like the architecture of the building

contacted Hudal, asked him if he wanna join for iftar
met him at KLCC
it was my first tyme being in KLCC after, few years ago..
i got double excited and my buddies can see it clearly.. LOL
sorry, this is Eira
'Eira is being Eira' - they said
yup !

Iftar, at food court
I ordered Fish Grilled plus whipped potato
RM14 i think
not bad..it's good..
Harry contacted me asking to go to his house..
he's going back to Germany the day after that
gotta refuse his offer..since I'm with my friends. we promised first.
His mama called later..
I explained to her..she accepts..

His fmily are beiing verryy friendly.. oh no

my friends keep saying stuff about me and Harry
guys, we;re just friends..

departed from Hudal..
head back home
I drove since Shidah very sleepy
I did !
Went to a mamak
lepaking and had supper

went back home...

I didn't do any shopping, since ... well.. i guess..its not worth it
buying something that I dont really falling for..
However, once again

My goal succeed !!
Travel with friends...
plus introducing my friends to each other..
it was me, indeed..

short entry since I gotta go to class...
going back home tomorrow.. hee
Happy Eid !

Monday, May 23, 2016

Feel free Eira

hye guys
its been a while, right?
I've been very busy with my new website

oh, I uploaded my short stories there..
I planned to only make it short 
but, it got long without planned..guhhh!
familiar with the character's name? ahha..
you could say that it's from a true story ^_^

I've been very attracted to write a romance story lately..i wonder why
I need to proceed iAmTheSecond, thou..

talk about romance, I was once again need help for some ideas..and 
as always, Hairi helps me a lot!
he gaves me ideas in being in a relationship
and it worked out..
I really want to go somewhere , where i can drink tea or etc..
finding some ideas..
I wish.
I wish

anyway, talks about Hairi..
his blog got hacked..
and we need to support him ..
you guys can help me support him, right?

do visit his blog

even thou it is still new, but you will find a lot of interesting information 
and stories..he shared a lot with people who seeks for helps and advices.. 
he seek some opinions from a lot of parties..people..
and you will find them VERY useful 
thanks HeartStar

Monday, April 18, 2016

Vacation ga kitta!!

hye guys.. its me again, 
yo, entry kali ni, nk post in english, can meh?

vacation ?
waa !! its finally vacation days for me! its my semester's holiday
where will i be going? my dream place, dudes and dudettes!
waaaaa!! kore ga yume desuka? sou, yume wa karatta !
even just looking at the words , JAPAN excites me ! hell yeah

btw, i watched my friend hanging out with his gf few hours ago via social web
damn it hurt
seeing people enjoying with their special partners.. lol
i'm happy for them >__<
being me right now is okay, i could go travel around not worrying a damn thing about others
only, worrying bout my family..and i got myself being worried at..lol
didnt ask u too.. and stop doing so

can u guys detect the lively in my writing for this entry? 

at first, i never expect to join for this trip via UiTM representatives..
well, since i'm not a part of their team anymore..
but, one day..they seems to know that i had many acq from japan..friends..
information about japan are all stored in my head.. i loves them!
so, i stored them deleting unmemorable memories inside my brain..

anyway, at first, i gave out my name as a participant only..and as the person that will look around for some infomation
but, then...i was asked to look for sponsors..so, i did
its fun - contacting with all kinds of people with different attitude 
its hard - to get a feedback in short tyme..figures
i asked from many organizations..
but, none - for now - give out positive feedbacks..
i doesnt feel enough and satisfied - i asked my lect, is it okay, to ask for sponsors for the purposes of the leisure trip?
i suggested for a visit to a univ there..
agreed with my idea and i got the special task to deal to a univ there..
its hard..yeah..
i dont know how to contacts with the univ there..
i ended up annoying my senior who is studying in Japan..
i asked her about things, well, of course..i wanna know..
i'm curious.. thats me
one day she stopped following via ig.. lol..
omaigod ! did i overdo it? i'm just asking..
nevermind - i didnt do any sin

in the end, i asked the Ambassador from Malaysia in Japan..the PA
i got a clue, to directly contact with OCTB, an organization that will orgnize for the trip to Univ in Japan..
i contact with the OCTB representative..
we dealt very well, speaking in english is my specialty.. makes things easier..
while i was busy handling for event for my collage, i'm busy handling sponsors and exchange program 
while everyone is busy with their assignmnet, im busy with both collage and this trip
while everyone is busy studying for finals, i'm busy handling for the trip - sponsor and exchange..
woOw, three jobs ..errr..four including as a normal student..
i should just study..lol
nevermind, this semester is my last sem as JPK..i'm done with my contract 

anyway, proceeding, since i'm handling about the univ, i got the title 
'EXCO Perhubungan Luar' 
oppss.. human resource, mybe.. lol..
i got a happy feedback about my univ program on our BEST carnival in UiTM
'Miss Eira, you and your team will be going to Kansai University for the exchange programe'
i was jumping up and down! but, since i'm in public..control eir, control
i was like 
'I'm going to see around Kansai University!!!?' 

okay, then my OCTB friend, Otsuka-san been wanting to contact my tour agents..
automatically, I contacted En. Rezz, our tour agent..
there are a lot of things we discussed.. we talked..we shared infos..
i didnt regret..i'm not tired..
its fun..
knowing people..a lot of people
 suddenly, i handled the accomodations..well, i didnt realizes it at all..
my lect suddenly asked me, 'why are you handling the accomodation as well? should u only be handling the univ?' 
i was like 
'i didnt realizes i was doing someone else's part..lol'
she doesnt mind..no one did..i hope..
sorry that i took your job, guys.. 
but, well, our tour agent and guides all know me..
its too late to go back since whenever they have questions, they will be asking me privately..
i added them into our tour ws group last night..

during the last n finest meeting for the trip, 
i briefed about our tentative..i meant, itinerary
 there are alot of things that the participants asked..but, luckily, i managed to answer all questions
i gave out important infos..
well, i did my research indeed..
since i'm doing things that i'm good at..things i loves..about somethings i've dreamed about..
of course, i will do my best to make it good and nothing will go wrong..

i've done my passport..
well, it seems like. i'll be seperating with them on the flight..
i'm alone
they said i'll sitting with the outsiders group
well, i dont mind
as long as i can go to Japan..
i'll be fine
i'll be myself
ignoring others..
i'll just wear my headphone and listen to music..
end of flight sessions...

in the hotel, hurm..
i prefer staying alone..i guess..
there are rooms which - for two persons, and for 1 person..
i prefer alone..
since i got no bud to stay with..among them
they seems to already be in partners..
so, i dont mind..
its better than being uncomfortable staying with someone i dont really know

well, i should just prepare - enough clothings.. not too fashionista
just comfortable is nice
notes - japanese languange..
journal book - for me to write my journals
camera - of course
adaptor , chargers , jacket , snacks
common needs..
still wondering which shoes should i wear there.. sobss

anyway, i'm fasting today..
will be going out for a date later, with beloved soulmate, mom n dad
we will be shopping for my needs for the trip.. i think
althou - i dont know what else should i get 
anyway, till next tyme.. >_<

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The 'Head-On Guy'

cik eir dh smpai umah !! yes..
cuti ! hbis semester ini..
insyaAllah okay
next week gerak balik Perak lak..then..
fly away, fly awayy~

okay, utk entry kali ni cam y cik eir jnjikan..
nk citer sal si Head-on guy..our past convers..
well, you're reading too right? lol
utk pngetahuan smer, si Hairi ni la adaptation Harui Naru
he is the reason why Haru exist.. the real haru
knp? well, dy y bg idea utk wjudkan watak tu dlm iAmTheSecond
dan dy y buat dialog Haru in the novel
automatically, he is Haru

like i said, he is the guy y bg head-on kt ak..
give me a guy's feeling everytime he is serious in advicing me..
like fizie gk..they're the same..
10% je beza..kowt..lol

that day kitorunk lepak skali kt Midv, dy tnya
'nk lepak mna2 x?'
i was like 'ntahla doe..'
he ask me, kdai mana y ak cm berkenan nk msok..
since ak tnmpak kedai y comel ..ak pndang je kedai tu..
he avert toward the same location and chuckles..
'seriously, eir?' he asked.. ak snyap, xfhm apa y dy mksudkan
tros he pulled my bag's string, tarik ak ke arah kdai tu..
ak lak tergelak je..
'wey, ak xkata pape p0wn'
'alah, ak taw ko malu nk msok..xpe2..ak sporting'
we entered a cute mini cafe with the based theme is pink
like.....pink?! WTH
harry gelak je..sbb dy taw ak xske pink..but, the cafe is sooo cute..
dk kt satu sudut meja..ak snyap je..malu doooee..its pink!
harry lak ckp 'xpe eir..ak fhm..its not the pink ..its the cuteness of this cafe, right?'
dy nk sdapkan hati ak..
ak cm 'pt0tnya ko y malu sbb ko laki, msok kdai cmnie'
harry ..'xpe, dlm kes ni..ko y jd laki' ..lol
dy tmbah lg 'lgpun, biar ak practice in case nnt gf ak nk msok kdai cmnie..ak bley prepare mentally'
'gf ko?'
'coming soon'
'p0wn bley lak coming soon'
'ha ah, in chosen cinemas only'

kitorunk order beverages and fries je.. since he knows my fav (fries) dy y tlg orderkan
'harry, ko bru dpt elaun kan?'
'ha ah..knp?'
'yela2..ak blnja'

dy nmpk ak main hp..sengih2..
'cmnie r mmber, ajk lepak..main hp..sngih gelak sensorng xshare' - harry
ak diam je..
'ksian ak doe'
ak gelak..
'ak tgh ws mmber ak lak..'
'penting ka?'
'ye la'
'ak gtaw diorunk ak lepak dgn ko'
'mmg smer org ko nk gtaw eh?'
'ha ah.. hashtag, harry blanja'
'perghh eir!'
order kitorunk smpai..
ak tgh mnum air tu..air apa ntah, mat harry tlg order kan..tp sdap..
'hurm..ko taw taste ak..good' - ak komen..
'kan..of course, we've been for...err..long..ak lupa brp thn..'
'lol..ak p0wn'
'tp, pndai kan, ak buat'
'ehh? ko buat?' - ak layan je 
'ye la..ko mana sedar, ko main hp je dr td'
'kann..tu tujuan dy..'
'eir..ko sejuk ke?'
'pehal? okay je..aircond kan..awat?'
'ak ase cm nak cayaq je ni'
'awat? panas sgt ke mknan ko order tu?'
'xla..cayaq tgk org dpn ak..ciaaa!' (ak y dk dpn dy)
'hahahaha... ko pnah ase mkn thermal pack x?
'haha.. ilek2 ak nk try pickupline ja'
'haaa..try la lg..ak sumbat tr0s thermal pack ni kt mlut hang nnt'
'hurm..nmpk nya xmnjd buat kt ko'
'mmg la..ko saper je bg ak...?'
'pergh eir..deep..'
'kann//tu tjuan dy..'
'pergh..dy bls balik'
kitorunk ckp sal exchange student AFS y kitorun join dlu..
ckp sal diorunk p England..reunion program.. ak xp trip tu..
at first ak nk p..dh bg nama dh..but, after Kuhai died..xde mood lak nk p
since arwah y handle reunion tu..
us, all smer apply exchange program ke USA ..
 and we all have 1 thing in common..
kitorunk apply p USA sbb terlepas nk apply p Japan..
so, ckp dgn harry sal ak akn p sna this Mid April..
he was like ..
'eir, tercapai gk la cita2 ko p Jepun..wpun Osaka je..but at least ko jejakkan kaki kt sna at such a young age'
me - tp, kan cita2 ak nk smbung stdy kt sna
harry - true.. but, u manage to make it true for us all. for me, eisya, tinie, nurul, zaim, and kuhai'
me - insyaAllah. I'll do it for him..for everyone (mood cliche)
harry - anyway.. ko nnt jgn ngorat japanese guys lak (trying to brightens the mood)
me - eh..apa lak.. diorunk y ngorat ak nnt ( play along)
harry - amboi..yakin je
me - hahaha..hdup kne yakin bro
since cafe tu ad sediakan notes utk customers tulis2 n gantung kt tali kt satu sudut cafe tu
both me and him wrote something for Kuhai esp..

we talked about our students life
since harry study kt German, and dy ske balik sesuka hati je..cehh
so, cra dy study lain skit..
mamat tu, lau dy balik, mmg akn kol ak..lau bley almost everyday
hahaha..bored sgt k0wt..
dy kata susah gk la nk adapt..
with rules..lifestyles kt sna..suhu..cuaca..masa
'harry - ak pnah kne marah byk kali ..yela, mana la ak nk taw rules kt sna
me - yela..smpai kne saman..lol
harry - yela..peraturan dy in German.. mana la ak nk fhm tulisan tu
me - yela, u should ask around about rules kt sna first..
harry - yela mak..anak fhm..
me - haha.. slowly learn..
harry - ak dgr ko famous kt uitm..
me - puiii..dr mana hang dgr?
harry - ak ad rmai mmber kt uitm ko tu..
me - owh..ko nk kata ko p0wn famous la kt uitm ak, cmtue?
harry - eh..ko fhm cmtue eh? ak famous gk la eh..wuuu~
me - harry...grrrr
harry - x x.. informer ak gtaw la..lau ak tnya sal knal ko x..diorunk knal
me - eh..ye? hensem x?
harry - mmber ak tu girls..
me - cehhh.. so, apa diorunk sal ak
harry - susah x lau jd student target ni eir?
me - lol ... susah gk la wey...xbebas..ko nk bt apa,  ad limit dy..ko akn ad satu prasaan di mana, lau ko nk bt something, ko akn pk cara n apa org akn pkir..
harry - owh..kne jga pnampilan etc la ni..
me -yup..
harry - ko jd hipokrit la ni..
me - bapak kuajiaq harry..xde la doe..bongok la
harry - haha..gurau2.. i'm sure people likes u just for who u are..ko bknnya jnis hypo
me - yeah..thanks
harry - but, eir...if you're suddenly change from a nice-timid-just-listen-to-orders girl to a girls that bcomes much more independent and likes to voice out thoughts..mesti susah kan..
me - mksudnya?
harry - yela..ttba ko , lau org bt silap ko tegur..ko jd org y xkn biar kpala ko kne pjak dh.,prubahan tu..mesti bg impak kan
me - ha ah...org akn ingt ak bt perangai n tension. pdahal ak dh lama biar je, pendam je. but, anything y ak ckp, smer benda btol..they should think mature and accepts
harry - eir, mentality org zmn skarang..mngundur skit.. dunia btmbah moden, org nya x
me - dunia p0wn mkin kmbali ke zmn dlu la ..retro
harry - zmn miskin y kain xckup, pkaian seksis..
kitorunk ad gk ckp sal loves life ..
harry - hang cmner skrang, jmpa someone y bley gnti tmpat ak da?
me - mksud ko? 
harry - yela..tmpat ak..
me - xde org y bley gnti tempat ko..tempat eryn..tmpat kwn2 ak y lain..smer ad tempat msing2
harry - alahai..bengap gk sbenarnya..tp forgiven, sbb ko sweet lak..
me - pe bnde ko nk ckp sbenarnya ni?
harry - lupakan.. ko jmpa special someone ke blom..?
me - ko taw kan, special someone ak tu..my dad..dan stakat ni, xde org bley lawan abah ak
harry - so, no lah ni..
me - ckp sal ak, hang lak?
harry - ak..hurmm.. ntah..xde pkir la pula.. 
me - ko jgn ckp ko still kenang memory dlu2 ??
harry - err.. hahaa..xde la..
me - hurm, pesal, nothing works out with @@ ?
harry - yeah. i tried giving her chances but, after i decided to go to Germany, well, things change
me - she cant accept it?
harry - she said she doesnt mind, but, she sounded like she doesnt want me to go
me - eh?? sebab..?
harry - saa~ i mean, she should at least support her bf ambition thou.. after i brought u up to the topic, she decided for a break-up
me - woii! y ko mention ak kt gf ko pesal doe?
harry - comparing u n her..
me - ko taw x.. girls xske kne compare dek bf dgn kwn bf sndiri.. ko ni..jga la hati dy skit..mmg sah dy nk break
harry - woii..asyik ak kne jaga hati dy..mmg xla.. u know, she contacted my sis saying not to let me go to Germany..
me - ohh!? adooii... queen control-like attitude la ni?
harry - now u getting the reason... 
me - patot la bro.. hurm since ko bkn jnis y snggup sakitkan ati org esp girls..
harry - xpela, ak dh bebas..mmber2 ak siap buat party celebrating 'Hairi's freedom from his GF day!'
me - hahaha..seyes r?
harry - ye la beb.. bgus kan mmbers ak.. lol
me - terbaek la..ahaha..
harry - nnt kiter celeb gk eh?
me - sempena?
harry - happy dont give a damn about relationship day!
me - bongok laaaa!!
harry - anyway, eir. if there is someone that appears before you.. dont rush it.. take it slow.. ur're not desprate thou..
me - haha..yeah, i know..but, i was wondering about my dream, waiting for someone to like me first..
harry - still..dont rush.. remember the 'golden relationship rule' that we made?
me - haha..yeah.. remmber...of course la harry..isyhh..ko ni..

byk lg y kitorunk borakkan and most of the time, he give out pickup lines and punchlines.. and quotes for inspirations..
still, other convers..keep it private since its just between us both.. heee...

after that we went for a stroll together..
until next tyme harry..its good to meeet you after a while !!
its fun..
insyaAllah next time.. L Gun bro!


Friday, April 8, 2016

Eira and Hairi

salam, hye korunk!
its me again .. lol
look at the tyme.. Ya Ampun..
tdurlah wahai eira..
snowy buat hal
ttba xley bka setting and xley connect dgn wifi
keju btolla...

update blog gna hp jela..xtaw la format setting blog hp ni sma dgn browser pc x..redha jela nak oii..
utk entry kali ni, ak nk cter skit sal aku n si harry..
haa..dlu ak slalu pggl mamat tu hairi..tp, mls lak nk pronounce leklok..so, harry jela..nsib xjd hairy.. kekeke.. berbulu

ak p KL sbb ad urusan skit.. kuar sat dgn aunt and it seems like kitorunk xngam..ak tringat kt mmber2 lepak ak.. salah sorng nya harry la..
tros ak ws bdk tu..gtaw..ak bored..
lpas dy tnya ak kt mna, dy ckp dy bz..so  he chow from the conversation..
hampeh la..at first tu apa y ak pkiaq..

xlama tu..ad tgh jln dgn my aunt..dy msok kedai winter je sbb nnt dy nk p jpun on winter.. ak p spring so ak xperlukan bju winter .. bored lak ak..
tgh main hp, ttba nmpk kelibat dr jauh sorng laki tgh lari mnuju arah ak tgn didepakan cm nk peluk ak.. terkjut ak..
ak undur kblakng skit and tgk laki tu leklok.. 'Harry!!!' 
in the end, kitorunk lepak bersama ..

byk bnde ak cter kt mamat tu.. kitorunk borak je.. duduk kt kdai mkn, order air n mknan ringan ja.. borak je kerja..
dy gtaw ak makin chubby tang pp
nnt dlm next entry ak gtaw psal apa kitorunk borakkan .. kitorunk gelak je

saper harry? ehhe.. a friend and a foe of myne
a friend y bley bt jahat kt ak sesuka ati at the same tyme so sweet to me
cm fizie gk
cam eryn gk
someone y ak share my problems..
pndengar setia ak..
cuma fizie ssh dh..skrang  ad special someone kan
eryn lak sma je dgn harry..cuma si harry ni ske bg head on kt ak..
kasar gler mamat tu tyme dy seyes..
and he gave out a boys and man's aura..
eryn x..sbb dy girl.. hahahhaa

he is a friend
just a friend ..
even if one of us got the zzang..
but  , we will just stay as friend
right Haru ? 
anyway.. tyme to sleep..
nytez allz!! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

bley bayang tak ?

hye korunk
its me again
its been a while kan
ak tgh final exam ni..
guessed what, ariey updated his blog..
well, bkn dy p0wn y update..its Elle..mamat sengal tu..mmg..
terharu bler ak baca...
blog dy..?
alaa,, second blog ak..kitorunk share profile y sma..
[ It's My Life] punya blog...
Elle byk mentioned sal ak..
sal si Hairi p0wn hado..ntahla Elle..hairi mmg ske pendam probs dy
xpe..y pnting dy xlupa kasi bueno, kitkat, cadburry lau dtg mlawat ak..kehkeh
thats my bro >_<
yup..he's my bro.....

anyway, entry kali ni, sal..bayangan..
haaa..criter seram ke dr cik eir..? ayy..no no..
let me open this session with questions..

'ley bayang x lau kiter hdup sorng je?'
'ley bayang x lau parents kiter dh xde?'
'ley bayang x..ttba smer gelap..?'
'ley bayang x bler ad org bnci kter?'
'ley bayang x lau org y kter ske ..dh berpunya?'
'ley bayang x..org y kiter harap..hancurkan harapan tu?'
'ley bayang x..perasaan utk ske sseorng dh..padam?'
'bley bayang x utk tros hdup dgn aman kt dunia ni?'
'ley bayang x..masa dpn kter dgn jelas?'

persoalan kt atas tu smer..bgntung pd diri kiter..
jwpan..smer kter dh ad..cuma kter xtaw mana dy nyorok dlm diri ni
panggil la kuar..
cmner nk kuar lau dy xnk kuar..?
knp dy xnk kuar..?
sbb Allah kata, kter xready lg..
bler kter xready, jwpn tu xkn kuar..
so, b ready
how to b ready..?
slalu berdoa kpd Allah..
mnx ptunjuk..
kter x bley nk paksa org..kter hnya mmpu berdoa..
smua doa..Allah akan jwb..akn sahut..
cuma, xsmer nya tpat pd sasaran..
Allah hnya bg y terbaik shja..
lau xdpt tu..Allah ad perancangan lain..
kiter as human, kne sabar..redha..tabah..insyaAllah..hati akn tenang lau redha..
ak..? berdoa utk dptkan something y ak nak..?
ak slalu berdoa..utk ak n dy..
tp, lpas ak taw dy dh bpunya..ak terbantut..
ak pndang..ak tenung je tadahan kdua belah tapak tgn ak..
knp ak still nk doa..utk ak..dgn dy?
sdangkan..ak taw..dy dh bepunya..
diorunk still xkawen..xbmakna mereka jodoh..tp, ak xsnggup..
mcm mana lau Tuhan dgr n sahut doa ak tu..? lalu diorunk dipisahkan?
maka..hilangla satu doa dari tadahan tgn ak..
smoga ..korunk bahagia..ak doakan utk korunk..insyaAllah ..amin
ak? rasa kehilangan..?
rasa kehilangan sgt bler family berjauhan..
bler diabaikan oleh family..
namun, ak dibesarkan mcm tu..
tdk dmanjakan..pnadai n tabah utk bangun sndiri..
bantuan akn dhulur..tp, xsmer bantuan dpt bantu kter..
so, ak..xdmnjakan..
ini aku..
ak? pemberi harapan?
mungkin.. mungkin tak..mungkin ya
namun, ak bkn nya org y terburu2 mmbuat kputusan..
ak.. bkn nya jnis y mmikirkan masa dpn ak..
ak hnya pkirkan msa dpn family..parents shaja..
ak pnya masa dpn..biarla parents y tentukan..
ak xkisah..asalkan mereka bahagia..
ak? sering mngecewakan..?
dlm kluarga..ak slalu kecewa diorunk
mungkin rmai y tgk ak seorng y happy go luck dan smer ahli kluarga ske ak
namun, no no..
beagle virus ak..utk wktu tertntu shaja..
kerjaya n pencapaian ak..slalu kt bwh..
ak..bknla kbnggaan family..
ak mngecewakan..
pmberi harapan..krn ini ak..
cara ak..
cara ak sama je kt smer org..xde lain..
ak caring dgn smer org..laki or girl..xkire usia..
ak respek org..xkire usia..laki or girl..as long as they respect me..
tp, byk kali..org salah tafsir..
maaf, ak mmg caring..tp, slalunya..ak caring hnya as a friend..
ak mngecewakan..
ak? tegas dalam hal2 y penting..
ya.. ak cpt rimas.. rimas dgn kebudak2kan y xbertempat
tp, ak sndiri y kbudakan..
namun, ak matang bler wktu y ssuai..
ak pndai mmbeza kan wktu2..
mood dan personality ak..jga berubah mngikut wktu dan keadaan..
mmg kasar n serious
ak...? pnting kan kwn ...?
ak mmg pntingkan kwn..persahabatan..
ak lbih ske berkawan..mncari kwn drpd mncari pasangan
sbb...istilah mncri utk lbih drpd kwn..still xde dlm kamus hdup ak..
ini aku
aku y sedar
aku y redha
aku y pnah dikecewakan
aku y hanya pkirkan family..
aku y sbenarnya..
ini aku
jauhi ak..jika tak mahu dkecewakan..
ak mmg cpt berubah..
bkn skadar dr segi fizikal..mentally p0wn..
just an early notice to all....

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Eira and her 21st Birthday ..

korunk !! miss u my dear heartstar !!

okay..semalam birthday ak..
14 February 2016
y ke-21 ..alamak..dh cecah lbih 20thn..omg !!

okay..ak nk citer skit..kelainan bestday thn ni..
celebrate atas bas..lol
ak n the KCS Team got camping..12-14 february..
so, hiking la..kerjanya..
ak ..fokus on my job,,my duty,,
stress..?? well..agkla..
bley dikatakan thn ni..bestday ak plg hambar..
well..biarlah rahsia..ak dh lepaskan marah dh..so, settle..
part y ak xley lupa msa camping..jd bahan gelak..
tgh2 main volleyball..
bley lak ak tersadung kt tunggul kayu..tergolek..
smer org tgk..seki2..jpk..jpk kps..
gelak kt ak..
alep lg la..gelak kt ak + pusing satu camp site..
ak cam..haishh..mnx penyepak btol bdk tu..
ak p0wn gelak..
second time, ak tersepak batang khemah, balancing myself..hampir lnggar khemah bbdk laki lak
my friends cam..
'ya Allah Eira! cuainyaa!' errr..well..
at least , ak bjaya bt korunk gelak ..lol

on the night, 
14 february 2016..
00.00 a.m
got a video message from ecah..my dear rumate..
she wishes me..
ayt y bjaya bt ak ..hujan..
'xsmer org bejaya dlm bercinta..' lbih kureng la..
hujan turun...mmbasahi pp..
then, tahan..
dy nyanyi..
'Allah selamatkan kamu...' till abis..
haa..tu p0wn bjaya buat ak nangis..
alang2 ak tgh nangis tyme smer org tgh bkumpul utk acara pnutup..
smer nyanyi kt ak kt ctu,.
kt night bazaar uh..batu feringghi..rmai org doe..
org pndang..
ak ttup je muke..tahan eir..tahan
dh msok dh..ws///msj..etc..wish..okay..jgn layan lg..

lepas pnyampaian hadiah,
ak tgh chck balik mrkh..bru je nk blah..
si Mael, pres JPK KPS dtg kt ak..
'let me b the first' - he said..
and hulur satu bungkusan kecik..ak cam..
mael cam..'syhhh'
ak lak..terkjut doe..
'seyes r mael..?' dy angguk ja..
'happy birthday' dy kta..okay
ak ambk..
smer org tgk..siap jd mamarazi lg seki2 ak tu..grrr..
pndai knekan akak ye..
'yela..spnjng kem ni mael dgn akak je..'
ntahla..ak p0wn heran..ak xde la rpat dgn mamat tu..
siap ajk ak mkn skali..nk share pinggan..
siap, tlg bakar ikan n simpan kt ak..
seki ak nk ambk ikan tu..dy ckp
'eh..xboleh..tu eira punya'
bler msa ak mntak..ak p0wn xtaw..tyme tu ak dh ms0k khemah..
lepas seki ak ckp 'kak eira..mael pnggil..dy nk bg ikan bakar tu..'
ak p0wn p jela..dh ad org tlg smpan mknan kt ak..p jela mkn..
seronok mael tgk ak mkn..sedap doe !! ikan fresh..bru tngkap..

okay..gerak balik ke homestay kt batu feringghi tu..
bbdk y share bilik dgn ak nk tgk tgk hdiah mael bg..
so, ak buka la..
okay..bnde ni..ak dh tgk td msa jenjalan..
xsngka dpt as birthday present..
thanks mael..

i got one special gift from them too !!
'he' transfered the money to my friends..and this friend, convert it to Malaysian's currency
then, he bank in to me.. 
as a leader, 'he' asked me to find something, 'ring-loo-alike'
since all of the members have their own official ring..
'he' said - eira is one of us..so, u need to have a ring like us too
tp, smer cincin y ak cri mlm tu..besar..xde saiz ak..hurm..
otw nk balik..nmpk satu figure ni..comel nya!!
ak dhla minat accecories..like bangle, neclace..bracelets..
so, jmpa la..necklace ni..loket dy, dua cincin..
comel sgt2..
okay..boley la..beli..
took a picture..send to 'he'
'he' said.. - not bad..if i were the one that going to buy u personally, i would get it too
ololoo..so sweet la bro..
also, they announced their fan name..today !! on my birthday..
wah !
they said, its a present from us to u..for being our number 1 and first fan
mmula, diorunk mnx maaf sbb xdpt nk bt nama y ak suggest tu as the official fan name..
ak xkisah la korunk..thanks sesangt..
they said - when the media asked them the reason for the date of the announcement..they would said, 'since its valentine's day..its a present from us to our fans'
adding in..my bestday present...
thanks boys ! terharu sgt..heeeee..
14feb2016 = eira (21st) + carat (1st)

got so meaning full things happened..

kelainan y lain..
yes..kwn2 eira xde la rmai sgt..
xrmai y ingt bestday..
bbdk kelas p0wn xingt..
but, in return..
staffs..lecturers...others friends..smer ingt..and wish..
i was totally touched..
anyway..ni jelah for this entry..next tyme lak..heee

plus , ecah bg mini bunny bear...and gmbr..ltak ats meja..hee
so cutee.. ^_^
jgn tepungkan saya !

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Eira + UiTM Tapah + Hiking

hye korunk
haa..cik eir kt libr
so, nk update byk2..kekeke

latest event dr MPP, is FESBI
Festival Bulan Seni Bicara
so, perasmian di adakan di UITM Tapah.
JPK stiap kolej kne hntr wakil 5 org utk mjlis ni..
so, cik eir volunteer kan diri..
lgpun, ptg tu xde kelas..p jela..isi masa terbuang..kuikui

cik eir smpai je sna..
tergamam semer ada..
architecture dy ...seyesly lawa..
cik eir ske bgunan2 dy..
yela..bngunan baru kannn,..huuuhu

kitorunk dgr dlu perasmian FESBI ni..kejap je..sbb hujan k0wt..
dewan tu..terbuka..
then, kitorunk mkn2..mkn xckup..lol
so, p solat dlu..tgu Maghrib tros..
then, p ronda2 ke booth2 jualan ..
nmpk kek...beli
ya Allah...
rambang mata cik eir..tgk makanan..
tgk shawl..tp, shawl xmngancam sgt..
sbb msa tu cik eir tgh lapar..hehee
nmpk makanan je..

then, me n farah p ronda2 campus tu..
p cafe dy
then sit at a table in the cafe.. borak2 dgn farah..then hudal dtg join
bergosip sat..hehehe
xdela..cter sal msa lampau msing2..
then, gerak ke booth mkn2 tu balik..
beli mknan lg ...hahaha

bbdk JPK KIM pggil n ajk kitorunk balik..
spnjng pjlanan balik ke UITM Si..
cik eir tdur ja..
penat la..
nsib si farah dijadikan teddy bear..hehee

end citer sal p UiTM Tapah..
cik eir nk cter sal p hiking lak..
kalut ssgt..
xpela..xyh kenang y buruk..lol

pd kejadian, cehhh..
bngun pg2..tr0s bersiap..
perut dh eurureong..
pack brg2..snack skit..
packed kmera kami2..
bekalkan air sikit..
si azaril xbrenti2 msj..tnya habaq..yee yee
sabaq nah..
ceq tgh bersiap ni hhaa..
mntang2 la nk balik umah dy..lol

okay, gerak la..
pjalan dgn kete syue, 1h 30m
ke pinang..
jln okay ja..lurus ja..hahah
smpai sna, brenti cri snack..pisang goreng..keledek goreng..ubi goreng..
mkn dlm kete..
tr0s menuju ke taman negara pinang
smpai je..ak cri office dy..
syue bwa kitorunk straight ke kaunter..
org tu lak, dftr kan kitorunk utk ms0k..
ak dhla dgn sluar jeans..
dgn kasut p jenjalan..
pkai cam..nk kuar lepak..lngsung xde attire utk hiking n sports..
what the heck??
follow je la PM event ni, syue ms0k..dgn redha nya
jauh doe!! lg penat dr ak n ecah p royal belum ai tu..puii..geram ase..
xpela, enjoy..
ak buat footage sal kt sna..
rekod..jd mc..
gmbr xsbyk kitorunk p royal belum ai tu
tp, bler smpai ke pantai kerachut tu..wahh
lawa gler..
ak mls nk share gmbr..
korunk visit jela ig ak..
kt fb, ak xtaw nk upload x..tgk keadaan la..
lusa ak p join aktvti luar lg..
hurm..p jela..dh terpilih..lol
hope ak bjaya survived la..amin..doakan ak balik uitm dgn selamat..

ak sbenarnya tgh lapar
ak tgu rumate ak..ecah
mcm bese
dy kta kul 12 tgh hari dy abis kelas..
tp.. dh nk ms0k kul 1 ni..
ak ws xreply..
akak lapar ni ecah !!
dhla smlm mkn xtgu ak...sobss...

ak dh xde idea nk tulis bnde..nnt2 la eh..hurm..
ak nk update novel ak,..documents utk KCS...arghh!!
esk ad test lg..1 1/2 topik lg ak xcover...aduhh
okay..im okay..

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Eira + Parents

hye korunk
lama cik eir x update blog kan...?
well, ad byk bnde cik eir nk citer sbnarnya..
tp, biarla dlu..
ni cik eir gna hotspot cik eir, xbyk..
biarla cik eir update entry ni..sbb cik eir rasa ni penting ssgt
ttba je cik eir terlintas sal parents cik eir..
cik eir bkn nk banding kan dgn family lain, but..just nk citer..
kelainan cik eir n parents cik eir..

smua org ad parents kan..well tu mestila..kan..
cik eir pnya parents lain skit taw..
kami dua bradik dr kecik dimanjakan
but, according tu usia..
usia mkin mningkat, mnja tu dh dikurngkan..
along, since dy sulung..dy behave..
dy jaga adab dy dgn umi abah..
cik eir lain, cik eir mnja je dgn umie abah..
peluk sesuka hati..
kdg2 umie abah yang rimas..
cik eir still xmalu nk ms0k bilik umie abah, baring atas katil then story2
kitorunk still bley gurau2

tapi, apa y mmbezakan family cik eir dgn fmily lain..
tiap kali anak diorunk nk p jauh2, naik bas etc..
diorunk akn peluk, cium..
cik eir xmcm tu dgn parents cik eir..
salam je dh ckup..bkn sbb malu..sbb xbiasa..
cik eir terlintas jgak, tringin jgak..ada satu kli tu my mom asked me,
'adik nk peluk cium jgak ke?'
automatic cik eir ckp 'xnak'
padahal nak..
i was like dlm hati
'umie, xyh la tnya, peluk jela adik ni..grr'

ada anak2 y open dgn parents diorunk..
bler diorunk sedih..diorunk akn mngadu..kol parents..
parents akn comfort..
cik eir x..
lau ad msalah or pape..
cik eir y kena marah..
'knp bley jd cmtue?'
'adik buat apa?'
'lain kali jgn buat lg'

overall, cik eir y bsalah..slalunya, parents akn comfort ank2 diorunk
'jgn risau la..xde pape..'
'pehal diorunk bt cmtue?'
'isyh, x elok la diorunk..adik bwa besabar ye'
cik eir x..tu kelainan kami..
mom n dad xmnjakan kitorunk..

lau bab shopping..
cik eir bkn jnis y ske mnx2..
tp, cik eir jnis obvious n open..lau cik eir ske something,
cik eir akn criter psal bnde tu jee...
'kasut td lawa glerr...' etc..
tup2, umie or abah belikan..
cam laptop cik eir la..abah ad niat nk belikan cik eir laptop
tp, cik eir xtaw..
cik eir slalu sebut2 sal cik eir ske laptop putih..
so, abah p0wn belikan y kaler putih..

parents lain, ank2 diorunk nk..parents bg duit..
beli sndiri..
cik eir pnah tgk rmai teens, dpt duit dr parents utk shopping...
cik eir n along bkn cmtue, kitorunk plg x, gna duit sndiri..
kitorunk x d ajar utk shopping..
sbulan skali, at least..
so kitorunk dh biase..kuar p mna2, nmpk brg lawa2..
kitorunk tgk je..wpun dlm hati nak sgt2 bnde tu..

bab mkn,
umie abah ajr kitorunk utk mandi, solat n mkn mlm skali..
tp, cik eir n along slalunya turun slpas isyak..
solat isyak tros..
but, umie abah ajr kitorunk utk mkn bsma..
msa mkn la bley borak byk bnde..

sal privasi, 
umie abah mmg xkn ms0k bilik kitorunk
lau nk tlg kmas, ms0k utk vacumm lantai je..
lau bab kmas brg2, serahkan dkat kami dua bradik je..
mcm blik cik eir, umie abah akn sruh along tlg kmaskan..
blik along, cik eir kmaskan..cmtue la..
tp, lau dua2 ad kt umah, msing2 kmas sndiri la..

sal privasi 2,
slalunya teen girls, akn share sal their loves story dgn parents diorunk
xkire dgn ayah or mak..
cik eir heran cmner parents diorunk bley trime hubungan ank
 diorunk dgn org plihan tu dgn mdh..
cik eir n along malu nk citer bnde ni kt umie abah
cuma cik eir jela, kdg2 terkias..terkeluar sndiri..
umie abah cm dh bley agk..cuma diorunk xkn btnya
kitorunk bkn apa, kitornk xnk bt diorunk pkir..kitorunk abaikan study
sbb kitorunk di ajr, kerja dulu bru pk sal bnde2 ni smer..
that whats we've been doing..but, feelings cannot be control..

cik eir ske tgk lelaki rpat gler dgn adik2 diorunk..
so sweet..nk gentleman sgt..
cik eir xde abang..
cik eir xde adik
cik ad kakak sorng je..
dgn dy la cik eir gaduh, mnja, gurau2, lepak..
myb sbb tu fmily kittorunk lain,
sbb kami prempuan..dua org plak tu..
just berdua..
dan..umie abah always pk sal msa dpn kami..
diorunk xpk sal diorunk p0wn..
all the things they did ..for us..
utk msa dpn kami..
so, cik eir xkisah..
cuma, cik eir kdg2 jeles tgk org lain bley ssuke hati je share 100% sal hidup diorunk kt parents diorunk..
cik eir nk try bt cmtue..
but, x smua perubahan tu..bagus..

we always had serious conversations when needed
buka meja bulat..haa, ckp la..nk ckp apa..
umie abah cayakan kitorunk
and we wont betray the trust..

ni kami..
kisah kami..
tp, kami happy..
ni cara kami dibesarkan..
i cant imagine my life without them
eira xckup matang lg, umie abah..
but, i want to quickly get out from here and get a job..
make both of u proud..
sara umie abah
sara along skali..adik xkisah nak sara along..tgk saper y cpt dpt kerja dlu..
nk cpt2 kerja..
kawen, lau xde calon, umie abah tlg carikan..
cpt2 ad kluarga sndiri..cpt2 bg cucu kt umie abah..
(wpun adik tk0t nk branak)
tp, adk nk umie abah tgk adk dgn family adk..
tu je..Im happy..
thanks to you..
Im proud.. of you, mom, dad....

