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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Eira + Parents

hye korunk
lama cik eir x update blog kan...?
well, ad byk bnde cik eir nk citer sbnarnya..
tp, biarla dlu..
ni cik eir gna hotspot cik eir, xbyk..
biarla cik eir update entry ni..sbb cik eir rasa ni penting ssgt
ttba je cik eir terlintas sal parents cik eir..
cik eir bkn nk banding kan dgn family lain, but..just nk citer..
kelainan cik eir n parents cik eir..

smua org ad parents kan..well tu mestila..kan..
cik eir pnya parents lain skit taw..
kami dua bradik dr kecik dimanjakan
but, according tu usia..
usia mkin mningkat, mnja tu dh dikurngkan..
along, since dy sulung..dy behave..
dy jaga adab dy dgn umi abah..
cik eir lain, cik eir mnja je dgn umie abah..
peluk sesuka hati..
kdg2 umie abah yang rimas..
cik eir still xmalu nk ms0k bilik umie abah, baring atas katil then story2
kitorunk still bley gurau2

tapi, apa y mmbezakan family cik eir dgn fmily lain..
tiap kali anak diorunk nk p jauh2, naik bas etc..
diorunk akn peluk, cium..
cik eir xmcm tu dgn parents cik eir..
salam je dh ckup..bkn sbb malu..sbb xbiasa..
cik eir terlintas jgak, tringin jgak..ada satu kli tu my mom asked me,
'adik nk peluk cium jgak ke?'
automatic cik eir ckp 'xnak'
padahal nak..
i was like dlm hati
'umie, xyh la tnya, peluk jela adik ni..grr'

ada anak2 y open dgn parents diorunk..
bler diorunk sedih..diorunk akn mngadu..kol parents..
parents akn comfort..
cik eir x..
lau ad msalah or pape..
cik eir y kena marah..
'knp bley jd cmtue?'
'adik buat apa?'
'lain kali jgn buat lg'

overall, cik eir y bsalah..slalunya, parents akn comfort ank2 diorunk
'jgn risau la..xde pape..'
'pehal diorunk bt cmtue?'
'isyh, x elok la diorunk..adik bwa besabar ye'
cik eir x..tu kelainan kami..
mom n dad xmnjakan kitorunk..

lau bab shopping..
cik eir bkn jnis y ske mnx2..
tp, cik eir jnis obvious n open..lau cik eir ske something,
cik eir akn criter psal bnde tu jee...
'kasut td lawa glerr...' etc..
tup2, umie or abah belikan..
cam laptop cik eir la..abah ad niat nk belikan cik eir laptop
tp, cik eir xtaw..
cik eir slalu sebut2 sal cik eir ske laptop putih..
so, abah p0wn belikan y kaler putih..

parents lain, ank2 diorunk nk..parents bg duit..
beli sndiri..
cik eir pnah tgk rmai teens, dpt duit dr parents utk shopping...
cik eir n along bkn cmtue, kitorunk plg x, gna duit sndiri..
kitorunk x d ajar utk shopping..
sbulan skali, at least..
so kitorunk dh biase..kuar p mna2, nmpk brg lawa2..
kitorunk tgk je..wpun dlm hati nak sgt2 bnde tu..

bab mkn,
umie abah ajr kitorunk utk mandi, solat n mkn mlm skali..
tp, cik eir n along slalunya turun slpas isyak..
solat isyak tros..
but, umie abah ajr kitorunk utk mkn bsma..
msa mkn la bley borak byk bnde..

sal privasi, 
umie abah mmg xkn ms0k bilik kitorunk
lau nk tlg kmas, ms0k utk vacumm lantai je..
lau bab kmas brg2, serahkan dkat kami dua bradik je..
mcm blik cik eir, umie abah akn sruh along tlg kmaskan..
blik along, cik eir kmaskan..cmtue la..
tp, lau dua2 ad kt umah, msing2 kmas sndiri la..

sal privasi 2,
slalunya teen girls, akn share sal their loves story dgn parents diorunk
xkire dgn ayah or mak..
cik eir heran cmner parents diorunk bley trime hubungan ank
 diorunk dgn org plihan tu dgn mdh..
cik eir n along malu nk citer bnde ni kt umie abah
cuma cik eir jela, kdg2 terkias..terkeluar sndiri..
umie abah cm dh bley agk..cuma diorunk xkn btnya
kitorunk bkn apa, kitornk xnk bt diorunk pkir..kitorunk abaikan study
sbb kitorunk di ajr, kerja dulu bru pk sal bnde2 ni smer..
that whats we've been doing..but, feelings cannot be control..

cik eir ske tgk lelaki rpat gler dgn adik2 diorunk..
so sweet..nk gentleman sgt..
cik eir xde abang..
cik eir xde adik
cik ad kakak sorng je..
dgn dy la cik eir gaduh, mnja, gurau2, lepak..
myb sbb tu fmily kittorunk lain,
sbb kami prempuan..dua org plak tu..
just berdua..
dan..umie abah always pk sal msa dpn kami..
diorunk xpk sal diorunk p0wn..
all the things they did ..for us..
utk msa dpn kami..
so, cik eir xkisah..
cuma, cik eir kdg2 jeles tgk org lain bley ssuke hati je share 100% sal hidup diorunk kt parents diorunk..
cik eir nk try bt cmtue..
but, x smua perubahan tu..bagus..

we always had serious conversations when needed
buka meja bulat..haa, ckp la..nk ckp apa..
umie abah cayakan kitorunk
and we wont betray the trust..

ni kami..
kisah kami..
tp, kami happy..
ni cara kami dibesarkan..
i cant imagine my life without them
eira xckup matang lg, umie abah..
but, i want to quickly get out from here and get a job..
make both of u proud..
sara umie abah
sara along skali..adik xkisah nak sara along..tgk saper y cpt dpt kerja dlu..
nk cpt2 kerja..
kawen, lau xde calon, umie abah tlg carikan..
cpt2 ad kluarga sndiri..cpt2 bg cucu kt umie abah..
(wpun adik tk0t nk branak)
tp, adk nk umie abah tgk adk dgn family adk..
tu je..Im happy..
thanks to you..
Im proud.. of you, mom, dad....


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