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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The 'Head-On Guy'

cik eir dh smpai umah !! yes..
cuti ! hbis semester ini..
insyaAllah okay
next week gerak balik Perak lak..then..
fly away, fly awayy~

okay, utk entry kali ni cam y cik eir jnjikan..
nk citer sal si Head-on guy..our past convers..
well, you're reading too right? lol
utk pngetahuan smer, si Hairi ni la adaptation Harui Naru
he is the reason why Haru exist.. the real haru
knp? well, dy y bg idea utk wjudkan watak tu dlm iAmTheSecond
dan dy y buat dialog Haru in the novel
automatically, he is Haru

like i said, he is the guy y bg head-on kt ak..
give me a guy's feeling everytime he is serious in advicing me..
like fizie gk..they're the same..
10% je beza..kowt..lol

that day kitorunk lepak skali kt Midv, dy tnya
'nk lepak mna2 x?'
i was like 'ntahla doe..'
he ask me, kdai mana y ak cm berkenan nk msok..
since ak tnmpak kedai y comel ..ak pndang je kedai tu..
he avert toward the same location and chuckles..
'seriously, eir?' he asked.. ak snyap, xfhm apa y dy mksudkan
tros he pulled my bag's string, tarik ak ke arah kdai tu..
ak lak tergelak je..
'wey, ak xkata pape p0wn'
'alah, ak taw ko malu nk msok..xpe2..ak sporting'
we entered a cute mini cafe with the based theme is pink
like.....pink?! WTH
harry gelak je..sbb dy taw ak xske pink..but, the cafe is sooo cute..
dk kt satu sudut meja..ak snyap je..malu doooee..its pink!
harry lak ckp 'xpe eir..ak fhm..its not the pink ..its the cuteness of this cafe, right?'
dy nk sdapkan hati ak..
ak cm 'pt0tnya ko y malu sbb ko laki, msok kdai cmnie'
harry ..'xpe, dlm kes ni..ko y jd laki' ..lol
dy tmbah lg 'lgpun, biar ak practice in case nnt gf ak nk msok kdai cmnie..ak bley prepare mentally'
'gf ko?'
'coming soon'
'p0wn bley lak coming soon'
'ha ah, in chosen cinemas only'

kitorunk order beverages and fries je.. since he knows my fav (fries) dy y tlg orderkan
'harry, ko bru dpt elaun kan?'
'ha ah..knp?'
'yela2..ak blnja'

dy nmpk ak main hp..sengih2..
'cmnie r mmber, ajk lepak..main hp..sngih gelak sensorng xshare' - harry
ak diam je..
'ksian ak doe'
ak gelak..
'ak tgh ws mmber ak lak..'
'penting ka?'
'ye la'
'ak gtaw diorunk ak lepak dgn ko'
'mmg smer org ko nk gtaw eh?'
'ha ah.. hashtag, harry blanja'
'perghh eir!'
order kitorunk smpai..
ak tgh mnum air tu..air apa ntah, mat harry tlg order kan..tp sdap..
'hurm..ko taw taste ak..good' - ak komen..
'kan..of course, we've been for...err..long..ak lupa brp thn..'
'lol..ak p0wn'
'tp, pndai kan, ak buat'
'ehh? ko buat?' - ak layan je 
'ye la..ko mana sedar, ko main hp je dr td'
'kann..tu tujuan dy..'
'eir..ko sejuk ke?'
'pehal? okay je..aircond kan..awat?'
'ak ase cm nak cayaq je ni'
'awat? panas sgt ke mknan ko order tu?'
'xla..cayaq tgk org dpn ak..ciaaa!' (ak y dk dpn dy)
'hahahaha... ko pnah ase mkn thermal pack x?
'haha.. ilek2 ak nk try pickupline ja'
'haaa..try la lg..ak sumbat tr0s thermal pack ni kt mlut hang nnt'
'hurm..nmpk nya xmnjd buat kt ko'
'mmg la..ko saper je bg ak...?'
'pergh eir..deep..'
'kann//tu tjuan dy..'
'pergh..dy bls balik'
kitorunk ckp sal exchange student AFS y kitorun join dlu..
ckp sal diorunk p England..reunion program.. ak xp trip tu..
at first ak nk p..dh bg nama dh..but, after Kuhai died..xde mood lak nk p
since arwah y handle reunion tu..
us, all smer apply exchange program ke USA ..
 and we all have 1 thing in common..
kitorunk apply p USA sbb terlepas nk apply p Japan..
so, ckp dgn harry sal ak akn p sna this Mid April..
he was like ..
'eir, tercapai gk la cita2 ko p Jepun..wpun Osaka je..but at least ko jejakkan kaki kt sna at such a young age'
me - tp, kan cita2 ak nk smbung stdy kt sna
harry - true.. but, u manage to make it true for us all. for me, eisya, tinie, nurul, zaim, and kuhai'
me - insyaAllah. I'll do it for him..for everyone (mood cliche)
harry - anyway.. ko nnt jgn ngorat japanese guys lak (trying to brightens the mood)
me - eh..apa lak.. diorunk y ngorat ak nnt ( play along)
harry - amboi..yakin je
me - hahaha..hdup kne yakin bro
since cafe tu ad sediakan notes utk customers tulis2 n gantung kt tali kt satu sudut cafe tu
both me and him wrote something for Kuhai esp..

we talked about our students life
since harry study kt German, and dy ske balik sesuka hati je..cehh
so, cra dy study lain skit..
mamat tu, lau dy balik, mmg akn kol ak..lau bley almost everyday
hahaha..bored sgt k0wt..
dy kata susah gk la nk adapt..
with rules..lifestyles kt sna..suhu..cuaca..masa
'harry - ak pnah kne marah byk kali ..yela, mana la ak nk taw rules kt sna
me - yela..smpai kne saman..lol
harry - yela..peraturan dy in German.. mana la ak nk fhm tulisan tu
me - yela, u should ask around about rules kt sna first..
harry - yela mak..anak fhm..
me - haha.. slowly learn..
harry - ak dgr ko famous kt uitm..
me - puiii..dr mana hang dgr?
harry - ak ad rmai mmber kt uitm ko tu..
me - owh..ko nk kata ko p0wn famous la kt uitm ak, cmtue?
harry - eh..ko fhm cmtue eh? ak famous gk la eh..wuuu~
me - harry...grrrr
harry - x x.. informer ak gtaw la..lau ak tnya sal knal ko x..diorunk knal
me - eh..ye? hensem x?
harry - mmber ak tu girls..
me - cehhh.. so, apa diorunk sal ak
harry - susah x lau jd student target ni eir?
me - lol ... susah gk la wey...xbebas..ko nk bt apa,  ad limit dy..ko akn ad satu prasaan di mana, lau ko nk bt something, ko akn pk cara n apa org akn pkir..
harry - owh..kne jga pnampilan etc la ni..
me -yup..
harry - ko jd hipokrit la ni..
me - bapak kuajiaq harry..xde la doe..bongok la
harry - haha..gurau2.. i'm sure people likes u just for who u are..ko bknnya jnis hypo
me - yeah..thanks
harry - but, eir...if you're suddenly change from a nice-timid-just-listen-to-orders girl to a girls that bcomes much more independent and likes to voice out thoughts..mesti susah kan..
me - mksudnya?
harry - yela..ttba ko , lau org bt silap ko tegur..ko jd org y xkn biar kpala ko kne pjak dh.,prubahan tu..mesti bg impak kan
me - ha ah...org akn ingt ak bt perangai n tension. pdahal ak dh lama biar je, pendam je. but, anything y ak ckp, smer benda btol..they should think mature and accepts
harry - eir, mentality org zmn skarang..mngundur skit.. dunia btmbah moden, org nya x
me - dunia p0wn mkin kmbali ke zmn dlu la ..retro
harry - zmn miskin y kain xckup, pkaian seksis..
kitorunk ad gk ckp sal loves life ..
harry - hang cmner skrang, jmpa someone y bley gnti tmpat ak da?
me - mksud ko? 
harry - yela..tmpat ak..
me - xde org y bley gnti tempat ko..tempat eryn..tmpat kwn2 ak y lain..smer ad tempat msing2
harry - alahai..bengap gk sbenarnya..tp forgiven, sbb ko sweet lak..
me - pe bnde ko nk ckp sbenarnya ni?
harry - lupakan.. ko jmpa special someone ke blom..?
me - ko taw kan, special someone ak tu..my dad..dan stakat ni, xde org bley lawan abah ak
harry - so, no lah ni..
me - ckp sal ak, hang lak?
harry - ak..hurmm.. ntah..xde pkir la pula.. 
me - ko jgn ckp ko still kenang memory dlu2 ??
harry - err.. hahaa..xde la..
me - hurm, pesal, nothing works out with @@ ?
harry - yeah. i tried giving her chances but, after i decided to go to Germany, well, things change
me - she cant accept it?
harry - she said she doesnt mind, but, she sounded like she doesnt want me to go
me - eh?? sebab..?
harry - saa~ i mean, she should at least support her bf ambition thou.. after i brought u up to the topic, she decided for a break-up
me - woii! y ko mention ak kt gf ko pesal doe?
harry - comparing u n her..
me - ko taw x.. girls xske kne compare dek bf dgn kwn bf sndiri.. ko ni..jga la hati dy skit..mmg sah dy nk break
harry - woii..asyik ak kne jaga hati dy..mmg xla.. u know, she contacted my sis saying not to let me go to Germany..
me - ohh!? adooii... queen control-like attitude la ni?
harry - now u getting the reason... 
me - patot la bro.. hurm since ko bkn jnis y snggup sakitkan ati org esp girls..
harry - xpela, ak dh bebas..mmber2 ak siap buat party celebrating 'Hairi's freedom from his GF day!'
me - hahaha..seyes r?
harry - ye la beb.. bgus kan mmbers ak.. lol
me - terbaek la..ahaha..
harry - nnt kiter celeb gk eh?
me - sempena?
harry - happy dont give a damn about relationship day!
me - bongok laaaa!!
harry - anyway, eir. if there is someone that appears before you.. dont rush it.. take it slow.. ur're not desprate thou..
me - haha..yeah, i know..but, i was wondering about my dream, waiting for someone to like me first..
harry - still..dont rush.. remember the 'golden relationship rule' that we made?
me - haha..yeah.. remmber...of course la harry..isyhh..ko ni..

byk lg y kitorunk borakkan and most of the time, he give out pickup lines and punchlines.. and quotes for inspirations..
still, other convers..keep it private since its just between us both.. heee...

after that we went for a stroll together..
until next tyme harry..its good to meeet you after a while !!
its fun..
insyaAllah next time.. L Gun bro!



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