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Friday, April 8, 2016

Eira and Hairi

salam, hye korunk!
its me again .. lol
look at the tyme.. Ya Ampun..
tdurlah wahai eira..
snowy buat hal
ttba xley bka setting and xley connect dgn wifi
keju btolla...

update blog gna hp jela..xtaw la format setting blog hp ni sma dgn browser pc x..redha jela nak oii..
utk entry kali ni, ak nk cter skit sal aku n si harry..
haa..dlu ak slalu pggl mamat tu hairi..tp, mls lak nk pronounce leklok..so, harry jela..nsib xjd hairy.. kekeke.. berbulu

ak p KL sbb ad urusan skit.. kuar sat dgn aunt and it seems like kitorunk xngam..ak tringat kt mmber2 lepak ak.. salah sorng nya harry la..
tros ak ws bdk tu..gtaw..ak bored..
lpas dy tnya ak kt mna, dy ckp dy bz..so  he chow from the conversation..
hampeh la..at first tu apa y ak pkiaq..

xlama tu..ad tgh jln dgn my aunt..dy msok kedai winter je sbb nnt dy nk p jpun on winter.. ak p spring so ak xperlukan bju winter .. bored lak ak..
tgh main hp, ttba nmpk kelibat dr jauh sorng laki tgh lari mnuju arah ak tgn didepakan cm nk peluk ak.. terkjut ak..
ak undur kblakng skit and tgk laki tu leklok.. 'Harry!!!' 
in the end, kitorunk lepak bersama ..

byk bnde ak cter kt mamat tu.. kitorunk borak je.. duduk kt kdai mkn, order air n mknan ringan ja.. borak je kerja..
dy gtaw ak makin chubby tang pp
nnt dlm next entry ak gtaw psal apa kitorunk borakkan .. kitorunk gelak je

saper harry? ehhe.. a friend and a foe of myne
a friend y bley bt jahat kt ak sesuka ati at the same tyme so sweet to me
cm fizie gk
cam eryn gk
someone y ak share my problems..
pndengar setia ak..
cuma fizie ssh dh..skrang  ad special someone kan
eryn lak sma je dgn harry..cuma si harry ni ske bg head on kt ak..
kasar gler mamat tu tyme dy seyes..
and he gave out a boys and man's aura..
eryn x..sbb dy girl.. hahahhaa

he is a friend
just a friend ..
even if one of us got the zzang..
but  , we will just stay as friend
right Haru ? 
anyway.. tyme to sleep..
nytez allz!! 


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