Ya Allah, lama nya tak update blog, kan?
Macam mna? Korng sihat?
Okay, without any further due,
kali ni cik eir nk bt review skit pasal satu cafe y baru2 ni cik eir teroka..
you know about the project y me n my sis bt?
Jelajah Cafe / Cafes Runaway
SweetHeart Cafe, Bold Lab, Arnold Cycling Cafe, Hello Kitty Cafe, adalah antara cafe y cik eir dan along pnah jelajah sbl0m ni.
Then, project jelajah ni hold , sbb msing2 busy study
and masing2 study jauh2 ,
plus, aktive dgn travel and journey lak. terjebak la dlm VLoging plak
so, let's start
satu hari tu, cik eir ad nmpk gmbr kt dlm IG kwn cik eir.
she was wearing a wizard robe and it seems so familiar , so cik eir check la 'check-in' dy
harry potter style
'ohhh, harry potter themed cafe'
tros cik eir bka ig official cafe tu ,
IG : hedwigbooks
berDP-kan owl with book symbol and title (Hedwig = Harry Potter's owl)
this cafe is located at : Jalan Raja Perempuan Zainab 2, Kubang Kerian, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
korng bley je search location dy kt maps..
Landmarks; First floor - Below Laycut Salon
Operating hour; 10.00AM - 10.00OPM
so, lpas usha cafe ni dlm msa sminggu (sbb tgh intern, xjmpa msa nk p)
hujung mnggu, cik eir kuar dgn along - actually, for my ortho app, but..
mnyelam sambil mnum
singgah lak kt cafe tu kjap, utk lunch.
parked kete dpn2 dgn Laycut Salon tu . ada modal lbih bley je cik eir mnyinggah salon..
bkn slalu , but next time la
firstly, was was, sbb nk ke cafe tu, kne naik tngga, utk first floor.. was2 sbb xpnah dtg//
tk0t salah tempat etc, nervous pown hado0
tp branikan diri jgak, cik eir pnjat la tngga tu,
spnjng tngga , akn nmpk lukisan2 symbol/logo houses/rumah (team) dlm citer Harry Potter
logo Gryffindor, Slytherin, etc
Operating hour; 10.00AM - 10.00OPM
so, lpas usha cafe ni dlm msa sminggu (sbb tgh intern, xjmpa msa nk p)
hujung mnggu, cik eir kuar dgn along - actually, for my ortho app, but..
mnyelam sambil mnum
singgah lak kt cafe tu kjap, utk lunch.
parked kete dpn2 dgn Laycut Salon tu . ada modal lbih bley je cik eir mnyinggah salon..
bkn slalu , but next time la
firstly, was was, sbb nk ke cafe tu, kne naik tngga, utk first floor.. was2 sbb xpnah dtg//
tk0t salah tempat etc, nervous pown hado0
tp branikan diri jgak, cik eir pnjat la tngga tu,
spnjng tngga , akn nmpk lukisan2 symbol/logo houses/rumah (team) dlm citer Harry Potter
logo Gryffindor, Slytherin, etc
pintu ms0k cafe tu kt sblah kiri, kaler merah .. cm pintu pondok tel luar negara
well, kita kan nk p tmpat Harry Potter, ala2 london la skit
mmula cik eir intai je dr luar sbb segan, klau rmai org lg la segan.. dgr suare cm rmai..
tp, branikan jgak ms0k, xde la rmai org sgt..
tyme tu ad group discussion drpd USM
sesi iv apa ntah ..
with owner tmpat tu..
cik eir lak xsmpat nk iv owner cafe tu sbb at first xtaw p0wn dy owner..lol
cik eir ms0k je, tros ke counter, tgk menu
cik eir just order frappe, sbb nk cpt, xnk mkn berat2
(nnt diorng nk ttup sempena solat jumaat)
along je order sandwich ayam
menu dy, interesting. nice sgt
sbb ad signature dish..byk
cakes, sweets, spagetti, coffee
bley dikatakan stakat ni, cik eir observe, every day/week diorng akn ad menu baru
or tkar manu
and all, signature dish, bertema kan wizardly. its interesting..
price, basic ..affordable
cik eir xsempat merasa lg signature dishes diorng sbb yela, tyme tu just ad sandwich, spagetti and air..
mkn smpai lpas jumaat prayer.
me n along gerak ke satu meja hujung corner dkat dgn tingkap and fireplace cafe tu
meja tinggi, krusi tinggi,
kitorng notice,. atas rak kt corner tu ad byk buku n board games
also known as indoor table games
like puzzle, jengga, other board games
so, cik eir pnya impression at that time was like,
'wahh, my kind of style'
cik eir ske cafe y provide facilities mcm ni kt customers..
friendly styles..
kt cafe ni ad a few design of seating place, (table)
so, korng ad byk pilihan nk dduk kt seating mna..
cik eir n along try all seating sbb nk shoot .. lol
this cafe also have a huge, book shelf, kt ctu mcm2 jnis buku ada
not only Harry Potter's books, novel english y lain p0wn ada, novel melayu p0wn ada
bg cik eir, suppose ltak novel Harry Potter (collection) shja bru kena dgn theme..
but, novel HarryPotter xbyk, so can add english novels..
so, ad la skit terlintas, novel melayu mcm xssuai dk kt rak tu skali dgn novel english..
but, it's okay, i dont mind, its their cafe, their preferences.
smpat la cik eir n along shoot kt ctu bt ala2 konvo.. lol
pkai jubah HarryPotter bagai,
ckp pasal jubah HarryPotter,
kt cni ad provide by props utk photoshoot taw,
wizard wand, wizard robe, wizard scarf, HarryPotter's glasses, candles,
mmandangkan cik eir dh sedia ada spek bulat cik eir pnya. cik eir gna y cik eir pnya jela..lg selesa.. lol
check point?
there are a lots of photo check point kt cafe ni,
lencana Hogwards p0wn ada.
sng ckp, layout n setting places cafe ni, kmas n teratur. they got places/point y kter xterlintas
the one y cik eir most anticipated was, platform 9 3/4 .. omg~
korunk jgn la segan2 nk mnx tlg staff kt ctu amblkan gmbr,
diorg lg taw point n pose , angle y ssuai utk snap bg mnampakkan gmbr u all tu lawa
tp, utk cik eir y sshkan nk dipuaskan hati ni, cik eir mnx diorng snap ikut cara cik eir..
agk lma cik eir n along lepak kt cafe ni, sbb nk snap n shoot kt smer sudut dlm cafe ..
bkn sng cik eir n along nk kuar umah utk bt jelajah review ni
every point kt caafe tu , kitorng spent time agk lma just utk shoot,
satu tmpat brp kping gmbr ntah ..
anyway, cik eir attach kan a few photos about this cafe..so check it out..
need enquiry, do comment / email / IG / LINE me at;
IG ; eiraathirah_arts
LINE; eira_haru
YouTube; eiraarie8
thanks ~~
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Entrance |
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Termenung ku sendiri .. |