Monday, November 4, 2013
eira's comeback !
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 8:31 AMTuesday, August 27, 2013
friendships world pf myne
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 9:54 PMsalam..arghh!!act,ak konfius glr!!!
msalah dgn kwn2 mmg halangan dugaan cabaran utama ak d zmn persekolahN lg..
tyme skolah rendh,kwn baik tikam blakng..xcayakan ak but cayakN org lain then fitnah ak..bdk xpuas hati dgn ak then bt khianat kt kwn2 baik ak y lain..bku2 diorunk hbis hncur..geram gler tyme tu..but then,smer jd ok balik cuz diorunk mnx maaf..
then tyme form 1..dua kwn ak nim gaduh cuz rebut ak..cehwahh..xdela..ssah r nk trangkn cuz dua2 ak syg..and i noe diorunk syg ak gk..sbb tu bley gaduh..msing2 xnk kehilNgan ak..well..they said then evrythings turn out ok..alhamdulillah..but skunk only one je kekal rpat up until now..huhuhu..berebut ak sgt tp xsetia..kik3..
next..form two??errrr...asenye form two..xde msalah..yup..xde msalah..gud2
form three..gaduh dgn sorng bdk ni cuz dy bru je mncul ntah dr mana then ttba dua kwn baik ak ckp.. 'eh..kitorunk dgn eira xrpat ponla' aiyayaya...last2 diorunk gk y mngaku rpat dgn ak cuz pape msalah share dgn ak..hey,im a gud listener..huhu..xpela..ak xkisahla korunk.
then cter form three y kdua..sorng mamat ni mainkn perasaan ak.dh taw y ak dh bpunya..still main ayt dgn ak..jiwa kacau tol..mainkan ak then dy start rpat dgn kwn rpat ak sjak form one uh..ak automatically renggang dgn bdk uh..mamat uh,tros ak bnci gler dy!!!
end of the year,ak start tgur2 blik kwn baik ak uh then rapat u iqa-chan!!!hehe
mamat tu??dy mnx maaf then mnx utk jd rpat blik dgn ak..rpat cam dlu..huhu..ak ckp no komen..lpas dy cari psal dgn iqa-chan..tros ak delete dy dr hdup ak..jgn hrap nk rpat dgn ak balik lpas pe y dh kau bt kt ak then bt bnda y sma kt kwn baik ksayangam ak sndri..mmg cri nahas la!!
tyme form four..there re five of us..ada masalah..broke into 2:3 huhu..then setel down...cannot rpat cM dlu lg dh..cuz it would really awkward..!!! but skunk..still rapat lg..sykur ssgt cuz diorunk kwn baik y terbaik y perbah ak dpt..thanks sgt2 u all so so much..!!
tyne form five?ettoo..wakaranai kedo..err..bbdk 5pa1 mmg satu kami satu geng..xde dlm klas ak lebih rapat dgn..3 org uh..ptg2 blik dr skolH lepak skali..naik motor bndar gler!!!
now??msalah friendship dlm hdup ak xreda lg..kt kmj pom msih on..sbb tu ak xske bbdk skema..pntingkn akademik dy..kbahahiAAn akhirat??bijak2 but sahsiah?ak tgk rmai gler y KO..!! bdk pndai then gedik pom ramai..xfhmla ak..pntingkn dri sdri then ckp org lain pntingkn dri..cermin dri dulu..but still..ak kt kmj xnk cri msuh..xnk cru gaduh..thn dpn ak pndh klntn korunk..jgn sesekali mmusuhi ak...
Labels: luahan memoir ku
Sunday, August 25, 2013
bias of kpop
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 11:24 PMsalam..yuhhuu..
seyesly lama gler asxupdate ke??well..last tyme,i introduce my own selcas..huhu..
well then this tyme..its for my kpop bias..lets go according to the pic..ehhe..xtawla lau gmbr2 tu ssun ikut ak susun x biler publish nnti..well..lets move on..
first heechul super junior..first korean idol fav ak...mnat dy cuz..dy jhat..hahA..xdela.dy cool blooded but baik n slalu backup kwn2 dy..tu sbb ak ske dy....hehethe first pic is kim heechul from suju..sorry r lau susunan berterabur cuz me updating my blog using blogger..huhu..kind of hard actually...
second and third pics..eunhae!!!my fav couple!! eunhyuk and donghae...from suju..liked donghae better since he is REALLY childish..!!like that kind of attitude..mmula bnci gler cuz hae rmai pminat..hate it!!then..lpas taw n tgk prangai sbnar dy..wahh..mmg mnarik mnat r..
as for eunhyuk..automatikally mnat dy cuz kwn baik hae..same age..good in rap..which i loves so so much..good dancer..loved it..responsible guy..awesome,right..
gmbr keempat n twins from boyfriend..ak mnat si youngmin..blondie..sweet smilesss..adik dy ok gk them cuz they're so sweet together..hey..!! ak ske pasangan kembar...especially lau lain2 jntina...hehe..
next..kai from exo-k..same age as taemin..shinee..ak xmnat sgt shinee..cuz ak xmnat taemin..sorry bro..kai was a good dancer and rapper..tu ske uh..dy unpredictable..tu ske uh..loves everything last things bout him..kai,fighting!!!
last but not least .cutest maknae..BAP..!! Zelo..choi junhong..same bestday as donghae 15 his innocentness..hik3..zelo ah...fighting...keep cute and stay cute!!!
Labels: luahan memoir ku
Thursday, August 22, 2013
swe3t tsubasa princess
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 6:12 AMsalam..
jeng jeng jeng tyme..nk post sal myself lately lak..ehhe
dulu kan..ak just mnat ambk gmbr aw..but skunk..wlpun still suke n mnat gler ambk gmbr..but mnat ak dlm photography mkin btmbh taw..
hahaha..nk taw pe dy?? well..ak skunk mkin ske SelCa..hahaha
byk gker gmbr syok sndiri ak skunk..blajar tol..jd model..ahhak..
raya ari tu..ak ad selca pkai bju raya..then..ak check blik..gmbr tu hilang..dhla lawa..cehwahh..puji dri sndri..hahaha..wrna biru..
mcm2 gaya posing ak bt..posing dgn ichimoo..dgn suju kuma..then dgn mask..geram gler..mmg lawa2 lah xjmpa2..isyh!!! syg giler gmbr uh..sedeihhh...kt bwah nim..byk lg gmbr latest..hahaha..hope korunk tahanla dulu muntah tu eh..hahaha..ehem..well then..check me out blow..hehehe
Monday, August 12, 2013
my peter pan
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 9:11 AMsalam.esk ak
well..before that..nk release stress skit..hehehe..
dlu,kwn ak sadey ad post quotes from peter pan..saying 'nver say goodbye bcause sayibg goodbye means going away and forgeting' ak debat r dgn quotes tu ckp..
'goodbye means till we meet again.peter pan is someone dat scared of growing up and ran away to nverland.why would we listen to someone like him?'
well..i do admit dat peter pan is a coward of growing up..he is scare to be an adult.he's scared to take the adult responsibilities..dats why i dobt really like peter pan..
but by looking at some other side of him..peter pan is a sweet yet gentleman boy..he knows how to treat girls and understanding too..he is childish and always cheerful which i like most about boys..
peter pan is a free thinker..he does what he first came to think of..i like it about him..
come to think of it..he may be a coward but he is a sweet boy..there is some positive part of him..he needed someone to lead him and always by his side to overcome his fear of growing up..he ebded up stuck in nverland bcause no one lead and help him to overcome his fear.tinkerbell like peter and doesnt want him to leave her.dats why she just let peter stay in fear..wendy and lucy helped peter and taught him many normal boys would usually do.eventually peter fell in love with them.bcause of their caringness..
ak ada dgr lgu EXO for their latest mini album XOXO..
there is a song which attract me so so much..PETER PAN
lyrics dy mmg mnusuk kalbu and i want that kind of guy in my life..
my crush..will u be my peter pan..??
my peter pan..ill wait for u to appear and take my heart and make it only yours...
Labels: luahan memoir ku
Sunday, July 21, 2013
ups + raya = kmj
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 7:05 PMsalam..hye..update blog via my hp,Acey..huhu..dua mnggu sblom blik kg cuti pre trial..quizes almost every day..woOw!!this is KMJ indeed..! smnggu sblom blik cuti raya got trial ups with full format of the real ups exam..hurm..
puasa..alhamdulillah staat ni okeu lg..huhu..bazar ramadhan dkat kmj ni pom bley tahan..byk mknn dy jual..found kek batik!! oh yeah! nasi? every day change of menu..ehhehe.muak gk mkn bnda sma every day..
yesterday kuar ke tngkak lak..outing..tmn roommates shop bju raya..huhu..murah2 weyh..geram ak nk bli kt along n along n umi uh!! got kupon dskaun but ter-beri kt kwn..cuz g ltak dlm beg brg y dy krim..huwahh! rezeki dy..xpela..dy ad promote sbun pncuci thay kind of produk..
kat tngkak? ak bli jam baru!! jam ak rosak..bkn rosak..btri habis..huhu..white in kaler..evry watch there rm10 n below..huhu..gram nk borong byk2..bli satu kt my aunt..bestday presnt..sma cam nurin bg kt ak tyme my diskaun as bought one mini korean watch to my bloved punya green in kaler giving by nurin..aunt pnya black in kaler..huhu
bought 3 comic books..hahaha..ambik.ko,byk bln dh xbca komik.skali bli,borong trus..huhu..dpt free angpau raya..bought kotak bkas bku,nk ltak bku..bersepah meja ak,nk buat meja xslesa..bli bku lukisan..staple..tu jerp..mknn xbli..
tyme tgk my frenz plih2 bju..geran gler..nk bli tdung but xingt bju rya ak wrna apa..hak3..
oh ye..nnti cuti raya..blik kg 2/8 nnti..lpas raya got KMJ btolla...stress gler..!!dtg cni blik 11/8..then 12/8 start exam..huhu..umi n abh n along kt umh cbuk siapkan bru..prabot bru..blik ak xtkar lg almari..bju kt dlm almari uh berterabur..isyh!!
smlm buat mjlis bka puasa sama2 dgn bbdk smkt..old schoolmates..hahaha..byk gk gmbr ambik..order some chocos for them..huhu..byk kne gna duit nnti nim..utk diorunk,rumayes plus me,mom,sis n dad..dh jd rm39 dh..huhu..nk bli kt bbdk klas lau ckup duit lg..ehhe..bjet blow rm50 act..but xtawla...huhu..lau ad byk lg duit..ill buy for my A18 classates.okay!?yakusoku dakara..
sore dake de..jyana..annyeong..sayonara..bye..oh ye,ojii-san asked to write a letter bout us starheartrei to him..huhu..
Labels: me n my friends
Sunday, July 7, 2013
suju elf
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 11:24 PMsalam...sopan dlu jap..ok..the sopan me is gone !!!
weyh suju elf..???!! korunk ni kan mngaku je dr tu as elf setia..setia sgtla konon..sal zhoumi n henry y join concert ss5 pom nk berkira..are u mad...??!
diorunk just nk tlg ramaikan mmbers je..since 3 skunk kt waras la skit..elf cerdik kan...apa elf y setia..sptutnya korunk sokong je pe y suju bt..
ksianla kt suju oppas..letih sbb not enough mmbers..letihh..korunk nk enjoy nk kpuasan diorunk bt psmbahan je..pnat lelah dirunk ad pk...???!!! dasar elf xcerdik r..
ptikaikn bnda ni smpay tersebar luas..ksian suju..ksian eunhyuk tpksa bt annoucnment dpn fans kt singapore..issyhhh!!!
suju sndri mngaku henry n zhoumi tu famiy diorunk..bff diorunk..lau diorunk elf we have to accept gk r...xyh nk bngkang kputusan diorunk..cmnie ke namanya pnyokong??!! xfhm ak..
yes..diorunk bkn suju..but they are.suju m...!!! under the same!! mmg korunk ni pntngkn dr r..xde pk lngsung sal suju mmbers..nmg elf y xsejati lg r la
dont act like u're an awesome loyal ELF when u're actually not...believe n protect suju...!!!!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Hope..? I think....
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 10:55 PMSalam..
Meh nk cter skit..huhuhu..rindu korunk..!!!
Yes,im an account student..but nope..i have no interest in account at all..dont know wat should i do...people keep asking bout my dream..hopes..
Cant explain..!!
Until one day..ak slalu phati bbdk mtrik..cni...
Kbykkn drpd diorunk...harapkn akademik jer..sahsiah..sorry to say..
Tyme pmilihn PRD,ak sng catchup apa y cgu2 nk..
Terlintas dlm kpala, 'mcm ni ke bdk matrik?..bbdk bijak??' mmglaa..mnusia..smer pntngkn keduniaan..
Ksian kt bbdk y high level in shsiah...
Jeng3..kuar blik dlm kpala...
One day..i want justice to b found..
Ak nk tubuh or buka academy..khas for good deed students..fokuskn utk students baik in!!!
One day for sure
Saturday, June 22, 2013
KMJ - Hidup baruku
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 7:23 tyme no see..sihat.??
Ak dpt msuk kolej matrikulasi johor..kmj..kolej mencari jodoh..hahaha
Cmner??no komen.ak n geng smkt..xrpat sgt..blok jauh2..ssh nk jmpo..honestly..ak mmg nk jmpa n geng dgn diorunk.but wat can we do..?
Me cant wait utk blik..dgb roomates? Sdg berusaha nk rapat..huhu..
Classmates?? Got only few y rpat..y lain kureng..
Sory to say..pehal bbdk pndai smer gedik2 eh..?? Xley msok la ak..tension..!! Tahan..sabar..pkir nk kuar kmj..xtawlaa..ak dpt PRD..
Jwatn y kdua ttinggi kt kolej..being PRD member was my a mmber..msalah2 cmni xley hlang ak...
For now..i love being alone most here....doing my own things..
Now i understands why Elle loves being want can telk us to do this n want can control us..we can do wat e want...!!
Study??so far so good..except for math..hardly to follow the kuliah for to focuss..huhu..
Got assignments already..going to finish them tomorrown once and for all...!! Going back to my room..wifi only at cafe - near my dorm..others,far got no wifi..
Wish me kuck guys..!! Missed u so so muchhh..eira is going to keep cool and calm..oh yeahh!! Bye.sayonara.annyeong..
Friday, May 3, 2013
PLKN Batu Jong..
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 5:30 AMLabels: PLKN
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 7:12 AMLabels: me n my friends
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Karnival Koperasi
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 8:02 AMLabels: about me and my family...
Monday, March 11, 2013
2011 's KiOku
Posted by ~eiRa-aRiey~ at 2:42 AM
padam lah signature ak tu..xpentim p0wn..huhu

Labels: me n my friends